Spring Conference 2016: Get Up and Go!

Ethnicity. Culture. Identity. Community. These can be complex topics that bring up a variety of different thoughts and emotions, yet are central to the Gospel and deeply rooted in Scripture. What would it look like for students all across the Northwest to gather, enter into conversation, and be on this journey together? Spring Conference is a unique opportunity to gain tools to articulate our own stories while creating space to listen to and learn from other people’s experiences as well.

We’ll spend the weekend being equipped and empowered to live more fully into who God has created us to be, while also being challenged to move beyond our comfort-zones as we go further in our own discipleship and take steps to learn and grow in community.

DATE: April 8-10, 2016

LOCATION: Stanwood, WA (Warm Beach Camp)

COST: $99 until 3/29 (Early Bird)

  $110 until 4/3 (Regular)

  $125 until 4/7 (Late Registration - if space allows)

DEPOSIT: $50 (non-refundable - due at time of registration, final balance due 4/7/16)

TRACKS: When you register, you'll choose a specific track (click here for the track descriptions)


Conference Speaker and Program Director

Born in Seattle, Washington, Erna attended Scripps College in Claremont, California, and has been working with InterVarsity for about 15 years. Since 2000 she has been working specifically with Black Campus Ministries helping start ministries to Bla…

Born in Seattle, Washington, Erna attended Scripps College in Claremont, California, and has been working with InterVarsity for about 15 years. Since 2000 she has been working specifically with Black Campus Ministries helping start ministries to Black college students in LA. She became the Assistant Director of the Los Angeles Urban Project in 2012. Erna loves preaching, leadership development, and training staff. She led worship at Urbana15, and has been training worship leaders for the past decade and a half, particularly with an eye to multi-ethnic worship. Erna is currently serving on staff in Oregon and is also pursuing a Master’s in Intercultural Studies at North American Institute for Indigenous Theological Studies. She and her husband Cameron have been married for 8 years. Want to know more about Erna? She blogs her thoughts at feistythoughts.com and shares her music at www.erna.me.


Healthy and whole Christian community means we know God's story, our sister and brother's story, and our own story. At Spring Conference, we will take time to look at all three. For some of us, time with other people of our ethnicity will be exciting and long awaited. For others, it will be new. No matter how you're entering in, the hope is that we will all grow in understanding who we are in Christ, and what it means to have our identity rooted in God. 

As a Black student, you are created in the image of God. The events of the past year and half have consistently tried to challenge that truth. This conference is a space for you to be around other Black students who are figuring out what it means to integrate faith with cultural identity. You will have an opportunity to process your everyday lived reality and see that God has uniquely designed you for good.

We know we are Asian American, but we don’t always know how to be in conversation about our ethnic identity. This conference is meant to give us space to explore what being Asian American means, and give us tools to enter into the conversation well.

It is challenging to feel like an outsider in the US. This conference will be a fun way to explore your identity as an international student and why God cares about that, and a chance to hear stories from other cultures in the US.

It’s hard to be latin@ on campus because it’s easy to feel isolated and invisible. Come! Experience what it’s like to be in a familia of other Latinos. You’ll also be equipped to enter into conversations about race because you have a story to tell.

Multi-ethnic people often have a chance to talk about one part of our identity or another, but don’t always have an opportunity to explore what it means to be multi-ethnic. This will be a space to process that, and you’re welcome to choose whatever track you want to be part of.

What does it look like to follow Jesus and celebrate your Native/Indigenous heritage? This conference will be a space where as a Native/Indigenous student you can gather in community to share story and be affirmed in your identity in the context of the greater Christian community. You will also have the privilege of hearing from Charles Robinson , a member of the Choctaw Nation and leader and founder of The Red Road.

We are not simply Asian American, as South East Asians, we are inviting you to partner with Jesus in the exploration, redemption, and empowerment of our unique narratives.

I know sometimes talking about race can be awkward for us, but it’s really important if we want to be in community together. God made you white for a reason. At this conference we’ll spend time exploring our white culture and what it means to be white in the multicultural family of God. This conference will give you tools and words to engage in multi-ethnic community in a safe way.

Warm Beach Camp & Conference Center

20800 Marine Drive
Stanwood, Washington 98292

Warm Beach Camp Map
Get Directions

Please be aware that you will need to supply your own bedding, towels and toiletries, so make sure to pack accordingly.

Conference Schedule

Friday (4/8)
6:00pm | On-Site Registration Begins (Cedar Lodge)
8:00pm | Plenary Session 1 [doors open at 7:45] (Program Center Auditorium)
9:30pm | Late Registration (Program Center A)
10:00pm | Hangout
11:00pm | Quiet Hours Begin

Saturday (4/9)
7:00am | Prayer [optional] (Cedar Lodge Staff Dining Room)
7:30-9:00am | Breakfast (Cedar Lodge Dining Hall)
9:30am | Plenary Session 2 [doors open at 9:15] (Program Center Auditorium)
10:30-11:45am | Tracks
12:00pm | Lunch
1:30-3:30pm | FREE TIME (Rec Options)
4:00-5:30pm | Tracks
5:30pm | Dinner (Cedar Lodge Dining Hall)
7:00-8:30pm | Tracks
9:00pm | Plenary Session 3 [Culture Share] (Program Center Auditorium)

Sunday (4/10)
7:00am | Prayer [optional] (Cedar Lodge Staff Dining Room)
7:30-9:00am | Breakfast (Cedar Lodge Dining Hall)
9:30-10:45am | Chapter Time
11-12:30pm | Closing Plenary Session (Program Center Auditorium)

Details for staff

Check this page for important updates and information just for staff

We're sorry to say that the camp doesn't make any options for special diets other than vegetarian meals. Here is a copy of the menu for the weekend. If you or one of your students have special food needs that are not covered by what is provided at the camp, you/they may want to bring extra food. The camp has an area just off the dining room area for those with food allergies to store and prepare their items with a fridge, microwave, counter and sink. If there are questions about the items on the menu like if there is dairy or soy in a particular item – call the Guest Services Office (800) 228-6724 ext 2262.

Here's a link to the conference schedule for staff. Here is the student version.

If you are planning to provide scholarship funds for any of your students who have a remaining balance (see that list here), please let me know ASAP so that I can take care of it beforehand to help us save time during onsite registration/check-in. Thanks, friends!

Blessings as you all continue to invite students to Spring Conference! I've uploaded the most current (4/7) registration list here (organized by chapter and now including email/cell phone in case it's helpful).

Please check to make sure your students have signed up under the right chapter. If changes need to be made, let us know asap.

To see the registration list organized by track click here.

Staff will use the same registration page as students, but please use the code: "SPR16STAFF" when checking out so that you're not paying anything out-of-pocket. We'll make transfers from staff accounts later.

Please use this form to request scholarship codes for your campus. Additional instructions are in the form itself.


Warm Beach Camp & Conference Center in Stanwood, WA

College students and InterVarsity staff from Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington


  • EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION until 3/29 - $99
  • REGULAR REGISTRATION until 4/3 -$110
  • LATE REGISTRATION until 4/7 - $125 (if space allows)

Please register online and be prepared to pay the $50 non-refundable deposit when registering.

Talk to your IV staff worker about potential scholarship options

Unfortunately, your registration is non-transferrable. If for some reason you are no longer able to join us, you will still be responsible for the $50 non-refundable deposit.

Onsite registration/check-in begins at 6:00pm on Friday, April 8th in Cedar Lodge (dinner will not be provided on Fri)

We will plan to wrap up around 12:30pm on Sunday, April 10th (lunch will not be provided on Sun)


  • Bedding (Sleeping Bag/Blanket/etc)
  • Towel
  • Toiletries
  • A Bible (if you have one)
  • Journal/notebook and pen
  • Athletic/Rec clothes
  • Sports gear (football, frisbee, etc)
  • Swimwear (if you'd like to use the pool)
  • Extra cash/check for the offering
  • Musical instrument, traditional clothing, something culturally significant to share with your track and the larger group

Recreation Options

Open daily - all day

  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Tennis
  • Play Field
  • Nature Trail
  • Disc Golf

(Trail guides, discs and score cards can be picked up from the camp receptionist in Cedar Lodge)

Available Saturday 4/9 | 1-3:30pm ONLY

  • Heated Outdoor Swimming Pools (Must have your own suit, changing rooms available)
  • Mini Golf (sign up at course) $0.50 per ball

Conference Schedule (for Staff)

Friday (4/8)
5:30pm | Staff Dinner
6:00pm | On-Site Registration Begins (Cedar Lodge)
8:00pm | Plenary Session 1 [doors open at 7:45] (Program Center Auditorium)
9:30pm | Late Registration (Cedar Lodge)
10:00pm | Staff Meeting (Program Center B)
10:00pm | Student Hangout
11:00pm | Quiet Hours Begin

Saturday (4/9)
7:00am | Prayer [optional] (Cedar Lodge Staff Dining Room)
7:30-9:00am | Breakfast (Cedar Lodge Dining Hall)
9:30am | Plenary Session 2 [doors open at 9:15] (Program Center Auditorium)
10:30-11:45am | Tracks
12:00pm | Lunch
1:00-2:00pm | Track Core Team Meeting (Program Center A)
1:30-3:30pm | FREE TIME (Rec Options)
4:00-5:30pm | Tracks
5:30pm | Dinner
7:00-8:30pm | Tracks
9:00pm | Plenary Session 3 (Culture Share)

Sunday (4/10)
7:00am | Prayer [optional]
7:30-9:00am | Breakfast
9:30-10:45am | Campus Time
11-12:30pm | Closing Plenary Session

Spring Conference 2016: Get Up and Go!

Spring Conference 2016: Get Up and Go!

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The following questions are based on a rating scale of 0-10 (0 being very poor, 10 being excellent). Please rate your experiences at InterVarsity's Spring Conference "Get Up and Go!":
1. What was your role at Spring Conference: *This question is required.
2. Please rate your overall experience at Spring Conference: *This question is required.
5. Please rate the Track you attended: *This question is required.
7. Please rate the testimonies at the General/Plenary Sessions: *This question is required.
9. Please rate the speaker at the General/Plenary Sessions: *This question is required.
11. Please rate the worship team at the General/Plenary Sessions: *This question is required.
13. Please rate the MC at the General/Plenary Sessions: *This question is required.
15. Please rate the culture share experience: *This question is required.
17. Please rate the registration process online: *This question is required.
18. Please rate the registration process onsite at the camp: *This question is required.
19. Please rate your overall experience of the camp (housing, meals, rec options): *This question is required.
21. Please rate the morning intercessory prayer meeting: