As a Black student, you are created in the image of God. The events of the past year and half have consistently tried to challenge that truth. This conference is a space for you to be around other Black students who are figuring out what it means to integrate faith with cultural identity. You will have an opportunity to process your everyday lived reality and see that God has uniquely designed you for good.
We know we are Asian American, but we don’t always know how to be in conversation about our ethnic identity. This conference is meant to give us space to explore what being Asian American means, and give us tools to enter into the conversation well.
It is challenging to feel like an outsider in the US. This conference will be a fun way to explore your identity as an international student and why God cares about that, and a chance to hear stories from other cultures in the US.
It’s hard to be latin@ on campus because it’s easy to feel isolated and invisible. Come! Experience what it’s like to be in a familia of other Latinos. You’ll also be equipped to enter into conversations about race because you have a story to tell.
Multi-ethnic people often have a chance to talk about one part of our identity or another, but don’t always have an opportunity to explore what it means to be multi-ethnic. This will be a space to process that, and you’re welcome to choose whatever track you want to be part of.
What does it look like to follow Jesus and celebrate your Native/Indigenous heritage? This conference will be a space where as a Native/Indigenous student you can gather in community to share story and be affirmed in your identity in the context of the greater Christian community. You will also have the privilege of hearing from Charles Robinson , a member of the Choctaw Nation and leader and founder of The Red Road.
We are not simply Asian American, as South East Asians, we are inviting you to partner with Jesus in the exploration, redemption, and empowerment of our unique narratives.
I know sometimes talking about race can be awkward for us, but it’s really important if we want to be in community together. God made you white for a reason. At this conference we’ll spend time exploring our white culture and what it means to be white in the multicultural family of God. This conference will give you tools and words to engage in multi-ethnic community in a safe way.